Calendar 2024

10.00 / On Sale

Savoring Nature's Rhythm: A Seasonal Vegetable Calendar.

This 2024, we invite you to pause and embrace a timeless connection – the dance of seasons! Our seasonal vegetable calendar is a journey into the heart of mindful eating, where each season's vegetable is a gift from the Earth itself.
This calendar intertwines the joy of relishing fresh, seasonal vegetables with a reverence for sustainable choices. As we nurture both our wellbeing and the Earth, we accompany our calendar with delicious vegetarian and vegan recipes.
Join us in savouring the rhythms of nature, cultivating a healthier relationship with our food, and enjoying the vibrant flavours of each season's bounty.
As my heart is divided between the Netherlands & Spain, this calendar will show you the season for both countries. You can always check if they grow differently in your area.
- A5 size
- Bio Top 300 g/m²
- Perfect size for the fridge
- A cute postcard after each month (you need to cut it yourself but is easily made)
- Space for notes/birthdays
- Cute decoration for your kitchen during the year and afterward 💚

Check the calendar on my portfolio: https://paulaestevedesign.myportfolio.com/calendar2024